get ready for the biggest promotions templates in 2021

We will live at 9 December 2021 at 10 AM EST

Create Better and More Engaging Promotions Video and Graphic for ANY Needs using 160 PromoVidz 
Done-for-you Studio Quality Templates!

NO Complicated Video Editor Needed - NO More Software Required​

All you need only MS.Power Point and all your problem done in minutes !

NOW You Will Be Able To Easily Create World-Class High-Quality Promotional Videos And It's All Done In A Few Minutes !

  • No more SPEND THOUSAND of dollars to get Video done by professional.
  • No more to WAIT FOR A WEEKS to get your videos done by PRO.
  • No more Try to Learn Creating Video FROM SCRATCH!
  • No more STRESS & HASSLE to create video promotions that sells

" Proudly Present "

All In One Package To Make Promotional Videos & graphic That Sell!

PromoVidz is a Breakthrough tool
that uses PowerPoint templates to create videos, graphics for
Any Promotions purpose Easily In Minutes.

NO Complicated Video Editor Needed - NO More Software Required

Learn More About " PromoVidz "

This product is perfect for those of you who need a complete package to make promotional videos and graphic which is easy to use, concise, inexpensive and of course quality.

We provide everything for your promotional needs such as:

  1. Templates to create Full HD promotional videos.
  2. Templates to cerate promotional videos for social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube)
  3. Templates To create call to actions video product.
  4. Templates To create YouTube End Screen video.

also comes with Static marketing Brand promotions concept consist of : Flyer, FB, Twitter, YouTube Cover, Instagram Stories, Post, And GRID.

Here is what you will get inside Promovidz

Premium Promotions Video templates

Full HD 1920 x 1080 And Up to 4K resolution

Inside you will get 20 Premium Video Promotions in 20 different category (New Years event, education, fashion, website promo, wedding, real estate and more).

All design is uniqueElegant and created based on PowerPoint, So this will be very easy to use, moreover almost every computer must have Microsoft Office in it

Premium social Media Promotion Video templates

2 ratios : 1920 x 1080 | 1080 x 1080

Inside you will get 20 Promotions video stories and square designs in 20 category niche (this is not the resize of the previous video module)

All design is unique, Elegant and Colorful Styles.
Created based on PowerPoint software so, it will be easy to edit.

You can use for all social media that suit on this ratios (16:9 | 9×9)
(Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, YouTube and more)

Premium Call To Actions Video templates

Full HD 1920 x 1080

We’ve created a short video to grab the attention of your potential customers with an attractive call to action design.

These templates are universal, so you can add various types according to your business needs such as: product promo reminders, discount period notifications and others.

YouTube End Screen Video Templates

Full HD 1920 x 1080

Almost all videos will end up on YouTube as a broadcast medium, therefore you definitely need these Templates to be able to direct your subscribers to other videos that suit their needs.

Therefore, we complement promovidz with YouTube End screen templates that we have specially designed according to current video design trends.

Static marketing Brand promotions concept

For static promotions purpose.

We have equipped this product with a Static marketing Brand promotions concept where you can use it for your brand promotion needs.

We have specially designed so that you only need to change the photos and text according to your business!

here is what you will get inside this module:

  1. Flyer
  2. Facebook Cover Templates
  3. Twitter Cover Templates
  4. YouTube Cover Templates
  5. YouTube Thumbnail Templates
  6. Instagram Post and Stories
  7. Instagram Grid Templates

Check Out How Easy It Is To Create Attention-Grabbing VIDEO Using Promovidz Templates

Simple custom example 1

Simple custom example 2

Simple custom example 3

Simple custom example 4

Real Benefits From PromoVidz

Saves Time

One attractive design can convey information to potential customers, For example: special discounts, new product releases, etc.

Boosts Conversions

It's important to create a high-quality graphic… otherwise you could risk alienating more than 60% of your potential customers.

Saves Money

Stop paying more for long durations videos. They simply don't work! Only use high converting, shorter videos to grab attention.

is effective

Today images and graphics have flooded the advertising field, but many of them simply are not effective! You need professional help!

With High-Converting, attractive and unique Promotions video make you get great Conversion
Great conversion = More Online Attention = Profit

PROMOVIDZ Is Is The Best Solution To Create Amazing Looking Videos​

Within Minutes, You Can Create A High Quality Video That Reflects Your Brand And Product!

Module #1 - Promotions Video Templates

  • Consist of 20 premium promotions video templates that you can use for your promotional video needs or you can also use them for clients project! 
  • Consist of 20 Different niche, So you will have many options to create a promotional video that suits your needs
  • All templates are equipped with placeholders and tutorials that make it easy for you to make changes that match what you want

College Education Promotion

Wedding Promotion

Fitness Promotion

Summer Fashion Promotion

Photo Diary Promotion

Sneakers Promotion

Website Promotion

Wedding Promotion

Christmas event promotion

Product Promotion

Digital Promotion

Fashion Promotion

Home Service Promotion

Modern Website Promotion

Product Promotion

Website Presentation promotion

Website Showcase promotion

new years 2022 Promotion

Real estate promotions

Fashion Promotion

Module #2 - Social media promotion Templates

  • Consist of 20 premium promotions Stories and Square video templates
  • Can be use for static or animated (MP4 – JPEG – PNG – GIF)
  • Can be used for all social media ratio
    (1920 x 1080 | 1080 x 1080)
  • Not resize from module 1 this is different!
  • 20 Different niche, So you will have many options to create a promotional video that suits your needs
  • All templates are equipped with placeholders and tutorials that make it easy for you to make changes that match what you want

social media promo - Mobile APP

Social Media Promo - Fashion

Social Media Promo - Pet Shop

Social Media Promo - Pet Shop

Social Media Promo - Christmas

Social Media Promo - Florist

Social Media Promo - Healthy food

Social Media Promo - Laundry

Social Media Promo - Gym

Social Media Promo - New Year

Social Media Promo - Florist

Social Media Promo - Barber

Social Media Promo - Food

Social Media Promo - Christmas

Social Media Promo - Business

Social Media Promo - Animal Food

Social Media Promo - Home Service

Social Media Promo - Service

Social Media Promo - fashion

Social Media Promo - Fashion

Module #3 - Call To Action Video Templates

  • Consist of 10 premium promotions video templates that you can use for your promotional video needs or you can also use them for clients project! 
  • Consist of 10 Different niche, So you will have many options to create a promotional video that suits your needs
  • All templates are equipped with placeholders and tutorials that make it easy for you to make changes that match what you want

Call To Action 1

Call To Action 3

Call To Action 5

Call To Action 7

Call To Action 9

Call To Action 2

Call To Action 4

Call To Action 6

Call To Action 8

Call To Action 10

Module #4 - youTube End Screen Templates

  • 10 premium YouTube End Screen Video Templates
  • 10 Different Style and combinations 
  • Can be use for static or animated (MP4 – JPEG – PNG – GIF)
  • Can be used for all video ratios : 1920 x 1080
  • All templates are equipped with placeholders and tutorials that make it easy for you to make changes that match what you want

YouTube End Screen 1

YouTube End Screen 3

YouTube End Screen 5

YouTube End Screen 7

YouTube End Screen 9

YouTube End Screen 2

YouTube End Screen 4

YouTube End Screen 6

YouTube End Screen 8

YouTube End Screen 10

Module 5
Static promotions marketing kit concept

  • Flyer Promotions – Facebook Cover – Twitter Cover – YouTube Cover – Instagram POST, STORIES, GRID & Carousel.
  • 10 Different Niche 
  • Static version (JPEG – PNG )
  • PowerPoint based

Static Marketing Kit 1 - Event

Facebook Cover

Twitter Cover

YouTube Cover


YouTube Thumbnail cOVER

Instagram Post and Stories

Instagram GRID & cAROUSEL

Static Marketing Kit 2 - Seminar

Facebook Cover

Twitter Cover

YouTube Cover


YouTube Thumbnail cOVER

Instagram Post and Stories

Instagram GRID & cAROUSEL

Static Marketing Kit 3 - creative Agency

Facebook Cover

Twitter Cover

YouTube Cover


YouTube Thumbnail cOVER

Instagram Post and Stories

Instagram GRID & cAROUSEL

Static Marketing Kit 4 - Real Estate

Facebook Cover

Twitter Cover

YouTube Cover


YouTube Thumbnail cOVER

Instagram Post and Stories

Instagram GRID & cAROUSEL

Static Marketing Kit 5 - Florist

Facebook Cover

Twitter Cover

YouTube Cover


YouTube Thumbnail cOVER

Instagram Post and Stories

Instagram GRID & cAROUSEL

Static Marketing Kit 6 - Hotel

Facebook Cover

Twitter Cover

YouTube Cover


YouTube Thumbnail cOVER

Instagram Post and Stories

Instagram GRID & cAROUSEL

Static Marketing Kit 7 - Travel

Facebook Cover

Twitter Cover

YouTube Cover


YouTube Thumbnail cOVER

Instagram Post and Stories

Instagram GRID & cAROUSEL

Static Marketing Kit 8 - Fashion

Facebook Cover

Twitter Cover

YouTube Cover


YouTube Thumbnail cOVER

Instagram Post and Stories

Instagram GRID & cAROUSEL

Static Marketing Kit 9 - Fashion

Facebook Cover

Twitter Cover

YouTube Cover


YouTube Thumbnail cOVER

Instagram Post and Stories

Instagram GRID & cAROUSEL

Static Marketing Kit 10 - Beauty Salon

Facebook Cover

Twitter Cover

YouTube Cover


YouTube Thumbnail cOVER

Instagram Post and Stories

Instagram GRID & cAROUSEL

WOW This is Very BIG Deals Right?

But - WHAT About The Price ?

You May Think You Would Spend Over $67, $187 Or Even $397 For All These Premium Exclusive Video Templates And to be honest,
it’s totally worth for such a price !

Well first, see how much you would spend paying for similar templates elsewhere...

Just To Make it Clear ..
Let’s calculate the prices if we used the least expensive market price for all these products


20 Templates x $17 Each = $340

take a look just 1 module you already have to spend more than $300 to get 20 promotional video templates if we calculate based on the cheapest price in the market

even though in this product you not only get a promotional video template, but also get 4 other modules which are very good for your video promotion media.

Stop Wasting Time and Money!

Today… You Can Take BIG Adventage of Our Discounted Price, Get ALL These Templates in A Bundle + BONUSES… for Just $17

We will live on 9 December 2021 at 10 AM EST

NOTE : We Suggest you To Secure the platinum package tO GET extra premium templates
(After get this package)


Most frequent questions and answers


Our DFY Templates Are Ready-To-Use And Newbie-Friendly! 

You Don’t Need To Create Your Videos From Scratch. Save Time And Money With Phoenix Templates!

Choose the template you need, open with  PowerPoint and click or replace with your own content.

After your order has been processed an email with the login instruction will be automatically sent to your email, please check your email for the login instruction on how to access your ordered products.

You should pay attention to our requirements. We ONLY DO the refund if there is an issue with the product and our technical support can’t solve it for you. We’ll provide a refund for you within 7 days of your purchase.


We have supersized with a big double  package and extra bonuses! 

You will get new templates upgrade inside the PLATINUM PAGE , and get more variety.

You will receive commercial license with the product, you can use this product for your personal and customer projects.

This product created with Powerpoint 365 for Windows & Mac. 

So you should use the same version, although it does not rule out the possibility that this product can be used in the powerpoint version of 2010 and above

DO NOT dispute via PayPal Please send your email to : [email protected] All refunds must be processed by JVZoo system as their Business Policy

Inside our member area you will see all tutorials you need to start with this product.

Also if you have questions please send email to us
at [email protected] – Our support team will help you ASAP

Errors like this may occur, please contact our email support along with proof of payment that is problematic and we will refund your double purchase


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